Sverigegäddans autumn contest

19 oktober 2019, the clock has just passed 16.00. The battle is over, both mentally and physically, and I can not say that we won anything at all on this day. Team Snipsjöns three worn members sitting in the car, mostly in silence. The contest is over, Sverigegäddans autumn contest 2019 is
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Linus Aller Steel with a sea trout 76 cm and 5500 gram.

Summer fishing for trout along the coast of Skåne

In this story we follow Linus Aller Steel when he summer fishing for trout along the coast of Skåne. He fishes only in the evenings in the summertime between 19-23.00 and exclusively with omöborste, Redtag and Toby imitation. When I summer fishing for trout extension
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Johans TaunoLures levererar

Johan är en fisketokig betesbyggare från Norrköping. Han driver sitt betesbyggande under namnet TaunoLures som är kända att leverera. Hans pappa var född i Finland, därav det finsk-klingande namnet som han även bär själv som andra namn. Hans gör sina beten i trä och då mestadels
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Night fishing in Arjeplog mountains.

Fishing trip in Adolfström

The fish story "Fishing trip in Adolfström" says Per-Anders Hamberg about a trip he made with his two sons in Arjeplog mountains. Squalls pushed our little boat inexorably against the sharp rocks. Not the strokes had failed we would not risk
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Scales Ornamental headed west - and got the baby in this fish story in flowing water

Scales Orna headed west and got to talk

Ann-Marie Stålgren writes about the pleasant fishing weekend, The mountains moved west and got a pacifier. By the end of August 2010 Drug ten women in Sundsvall fish association Scales Orna to Östjämtland to fishing during the weekend. Ann-Marie Stålgren and Lillis Fastén were guests
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Ebba the way the Prime fishing

In detta fish reportage, Ebba leads the way at the premiere fishing in Fish magazine we follow Ebba and her family at the premiere of the club lake.  I decided with my oldest daughter that we would go on a premier fishing trip for rainbow trout and that we would slip out early so that they
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Catch and Release

In fiskeartikel, Catch and Release in Fisketidningen where the issue of catch and release is highlighted from different angles. Catch and Release (C & R) is a fishing where the fish are raised and then released back, it is not caught to be eaten but so that the fish can be photographed
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Carp rescuers Jimmy Persson, and Patric Larsson, in the middle Patric's daughter Ellie.

They plan to save the carp in Kumlasjön

Jimmy Persson and Patric Larsson, they plan to save the carp in Kumlasjön and are happy to receive all the carp would be killed. It was thought that all carps in Kumlasjön were killed. But instead they will be given away to Stripa Carp Fishing Club who want to plant the fish in its
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Women Fish More beautiful Mörrum

Kvinnor Fiskar Vackrare

Sommaren 2014 dammades det gamla tillväxtprojektet Kvinnor Fiskar Vackrare av, initiativtagare till det är Suzanne von Köhler och Sanne Sörensen. Personer i Blekinges näringsliv fick i uppdrag av regeringen redan -99 att starta det projektet, för att Mörrum har en fantastisk
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Öringsrekord i Strömhult

In detta fish reportage, Trout record in Strömhult in Fisketidningen, we get to accompany a group of guys on one of their fishing adventures. Every spring and autumn we are a group of nine guys who go to Strömhult in Småland to fish and hang out. In this water you fish for spawn
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